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Location Location Location
Saturday August 20th 2011
Lauri Robinson’s home in Porterville/Morgan starting at 5:00 pm.


3 days until the Reunion!!!!!!!!!

We hope everyone is ready and excited for the reunion this Saturday!!! 


Slids/Pictures/Short Video Clips

Dave Whittaker has kindly offered to put together a video complete with slides/pictures/short video clips for the reunion.  Please email him your slides/pictures/short video clilps by Friday, AUGUST 5th.  His email is

Share your memories!!



Some of you have expressed interest in staying over for the reunion at a local camp site.  The closest thing is East Canyon which is about 6-7 miles from Mark and Lauri's house.  Here is a web-site with info!!!



Send us your pictures of the reunions....

Ross, Elna, Curtis, Megan, Kaden, Cameron, Nathan, Kerstin, Dominic
Ross, Elna, Kaden, Cameron and Dominic
Whittaker Reunion 2006 .....Paul Whittaker Family
Carol Ann, Paul, Shawn, Mary, Ann, Jesse, Jillian, Scott, Ryan, Sally, Emily, (in Front: Chloe, Oaken, Kate)